
Jontro Workbench

The "Do-It-Yourself Integration Engine"

Jontro Workbench is an intelligent automation platform to design, configure, administer, track, version, schedule and test event-based workflows. Users with minimal programming and DevOps knowledge create and trigger event driven workflows via REST API, scheduler or ad-hoc in a few minutes. Plugins allow implementation of diverse verticals without requiring changes to the core platform.

A typical scenario is healthcare IT process automation. HIPPA data in diverse formats (EDI X12, XML, CSV, Json, etc.) arrive from diverse sources (databases, cloud, AWS SQS, API, FTP, web-services, WCF, etc.). The input data is decrypted, parsed, transformed, processed, archived and persisted in multiple databases with minimal or no code. The processed results are analyzed, acted upon and serve as inputs to other IT processes.

A project is created and activities chained such that the execution of a child activity is dependent on the outcome of a parent activity. A project is created in a development environment and migrated across environments (QA, User Acceptance, Production) with a click. Property values for activities that are exclusive to an environment like a URL or database server name is easily overridden across environments.

Property values for activities are specified using an absolute value, a reference, .NET code expression or variable vastly simplifying complex integration. Using .NET code expression as opposed to scripting for property values enhances your application's robustness, speed and accuracy with minimal run-time errors. Project configuration management, version control, database logging and data protection is supported.